Tuesday, December 18, 2007

An Overview Of Natural Colon Cleansing Detoxification

The colon, also called the large bowel or large intestine, is a long, coiled organ that removes water from digested food. Once the water is removed from food, the remaining waste moves through the colon, to the rectum and leaves the body in the form of stool.

Sometimes blockages can occur and obstruct the intestine, so a natural colon cleansing is one method of removing the particles causing the blockage. In this article, we'll explain how to safely undergo a detoxification program.

Without regular and sufficient bowel movements, toxic mucoid plaque builds up in the colon and hardens. The longer the toxic waste matter sits in the bowel, the greater the chance is that it will ferment and possibly be reabsorbed. This greatly increases the risk of disease.

A natural colon cleansing and detoxification program removes the mucoid plaque and improves your health. A good cleansing program should always begin by removing the waste in your colon. If you attempt to clean your blood, lymph system or undergo a liver detoxification treatment without first addressing a waste-filled bowel, the excreted toxins will only get recycled back into your body.

A natural colon cleansing consists of fasting first and then adhering to a diet of water, juices, raw fruits and vegetables, Probiotics , Psyllium husk, flax seeds, bentonite clay and a salt water enema. Bentonite clay and flaxseeds assist with the colon cleansing process. Flaxseeds also absorb water and expand in the colon, allowing toxins and mucus to be removed.

In addition, flaxseeds have been found to lower cholesterol levels. An important component of a colon cleansing program is the use of probiotics to help replenish the population of friendly bacteria which resides in this organ.

To maintain the benefits of detoxification, you should modify your diet. Avoiding refined food, sugar, white flour, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, hormone filled meats and many drugs helps minimize the toxin load. Choosing organic products and living a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle is extremely healthy for the digestive system.

In addition to cleaning the large intestine, the herbs used in natural colon cleansing kill parasites and worms, and contain digestive enzymes and probiotics. Once you've completed the treatment, you should see an improvement in your skin, your stomach will be flatter because the bulky waste matter has been dispelled, and you'll notice an increase in energy.

This is because the toxins have been eliminated. It's very important to remember to consult a doctor before beginning any detoxification program. By ridding your body of accumulated waste, you're allowing it to function at peak performance.

The body detox portal at http://bodydetox.niche-educator.com/ owned by Mike Selvon contains more great tips on natural colon cleansing detoxification. Why not visit us and leave a comment at our natural medicine blog at http://www.mynicheportal.com/health-beauty

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Colon Cancer: Risks and Prevention

Copyright (c) 2007 Abel Travers
Puristat Colon Cleansing

Cancer: it's not a word that anyone really wants to hear. While
not necessarily a death sentence, cancer is an illness that does
have a high mortality rate depending on where in the body it

Colon cancer - the third most common cancer - results in the
second highest number of cancer deaths. While that fact can be a
bit intimidating, as can the realization that for many people
colon cancer has no symptoms until it is in its advanced stages,
it's important to take a step back and recognize that there are
a number of things that you can do in order to lower your risk of
developing the disease.

Long before someone develops full blown colon cancer and notices
symptoms like unexplained weight loss, anemia, generalized
weakness and changes in bowel habits, there are screening
procedures that can be performed by a doctor to check for signs
of developing colon cancer as well as pre-cancerous polyps in the
colon. Screenings are important - in fact, they are essential for
detecting, diagnosing and monitoring colon cancer.

Ideally, if you were to develop colon cancer, and it would be
caught before the tumor grew through the intestinal wall or soon
after it had begun to do so, the treatment will often be
successful, since this cancer is easy to treat if it is
discovered in its early stages. Once the cells have invaded the
lymphatic system or metastasized into other areas of the body,
the chances of recovery begin to diminish significantly.

To ensure early detection - in addition to screenings - it's
important to understand the risks and behaviors that can
contribute to the disease (and to know what you can do to reduce
your risk). Each of the following can contribute to your risk of
developing colon cancer:

1. Age: as you get older, the risk of developing colon cancer

2. History of cancer: if you have had other cancers, your risk
increases; similarly, if you have a family history of colon
cancer, your risk increases;

3. A history of other colon problems including Crohn's disease;

4. Diet: many people don't eat foods that are particularly
healthy - or don't eat enough of the foods that are not only
healthy for them but are also beneficial to the digestive tract;

5. Smoking and alcohol: there's been a great deal of focus on
what smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol can do to harm
the body, but it's also important to note that the toxins from
both also affect the colon.

6. Lack of physical activity: exercise not improves an overall
sense of well-being but also helps the body to work more

When you know what can contribute to the risk of developing colon
cancer, you'll find that there are more things that you can do
in order to reduce your risk. While you cannot turn back the
clock or change your family's genetic history, you can make a
commitment to getting more exercise and to changing your diet so
that you're taking in more fruits, vegetables and whole grains
that are high in fiber and by reducing the amount of protein that
you're taking in.

Likewise, when you are more aware of things that can be toxic
within the body - whether in your case it is eating overly
processed foods, smoking or drinking - it becomes easier to make
changes to limit the intake of them. For those who have trouble
making the change, however, there is another option: colon

Using a colon cleanser to rid the body of toxins, it can break
down the unhealthy foods that the body does not easily process,
and it can help to reduce demands on other organs in the body as
well. When the colon and large intestine are working properly,
there is less strain on the liver; when there are fewer demands
on the liver the kidneys are better able to function and perform
their essential tasks.

Colon cleansing, therefore, is not just about ensuring that your
body is properly eliminating waste; it's also about ensuring
that your body is able to function properly and with less strain.
By taking these steps - and by taking steps to increase your
physical activity and care for your body - you're likely to find
that you are in better health overall.

Not all colon cancers are preventable and it's important to
recognize that. However, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't
do what you can to reduce your risk of developing the disease.
Care for your body, ensure that you're eliminating toxins and
take the time to have screenings for colon cancer and you'll
find that you increase your quality and longevity of life.

Abel Travers writes about healthy living. How's Your
Colon's Health - Take the Healthy Colon Test(r) at:


Good Colon Health is a catalyst for living a long and
healthy life; it will help you feel better and to lose
weight. To learn more about Colon Cleansing, please visit:


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Colonix Benefits To Improve Your Health

If you feel perpetually fatigued, the problem may be in your intestines. The food that we eat can leave toxic residue inside the body that is a breeding ground for disease causing parasites.

Colonix is a cleansing program that can flush away these potentially deadly substances. In this article, we'll examine the benefits of this bowel cleanse program and how it can improve your health.

Colonics is a body cleanse of the colon to improve intestinal tone, function and health by helping the body expel intestinal parasites. It promotes regular and complete bowel movements which removes toxic fecal buildup. This program consists of anti-parasite capsules, a fiber supplement containing both soluble and insoluble fiber, and gentle laxative detox teas.

If you are undergoing colonic cleansing, you should try to eat a diet of organic fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds. Try to avoid or minimize red meats, cured meats, organ meats, refined foods, canned foods, sugar, salt, saturated fats, coffee, alcohol, food additives, colorings and preservatives, and nicotine.

Unlike most fiber products, Colonix is easy to consume. It can easily be mixed into a smoothie, added to a juice diet or added into dishes, such as spaghetti sauce. It has a banana flavor and can be mixed with water. Feel free to try it in different recipes to make it more appetizing to you. Because each person is different, the amount of time it takes to see results varies.

Some people respond within a day, while it may take several weeks for others. You can tell it's working when you are having heavier and more frequent bowel movements. However, you should not experience the need to make emergency dashes to the bathroom!

If you're using the Colonix program for the first time, it's best to maintain the regimen for two months to get the maximum results. If you repeat the program every year, then one month will probably be sufficient after the initial period.

Upon completing the program you should see a marked improvement in your digestive system, relief from gas and bloating, clearer skin and better absorption of nutrients. One terrific side effect of the program is significant weight loss as excess waste material is cleansed from your system.

If you are on medication or taking other supplements, then Colonix professes not to interact with those products. A few side effects have been reported such as headaches, cramping, bloating and nausea, but should pass quickly. However, it's always wise to consult with a doctor before starting a detoxification program. Colonix has a proven reputation for being an effective and safe product and the results speak for themselves.

The body detox portal at http://bodydetox.niche-educator.com/ owned by Mike Selvon contains more great tips on the colonix program. Why not visit us and leave a comment at our natural medicine blog at http://www.mynicheportal.com/health-beauty

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Five Things You Should Know About Colon Cancer

The colon is an extremely important organ in the body. This particular organ measures approximately four feet in length in the adult body. It is shaped in such a way that it resembles a tube. The colon has multiple functions. First, it is responsible for properly digesting and absorbing various nutrients from the solids and liquids that we consume. It helps produce feces by withdrawing the fluid from this substance. It then helps our bodies eliminate waste. When cells in the colon start to grow and function abnormally, this is called colon cancer.

Here, you will be introduced to five things you should know about colon cancer. Out of approximately every twenty adults in the United States alone, at least one will develop colon cancer. Any person, regardless of gender, nationality, and race can develop this kind of cancer. However, men are more likely to develop the condition. Many individuals actually die as a result of this form of cancer. We will now elaborate on five things you should know about colon cancer.

1)Colon cancer often becomes evident before the age of forty in the majority of the cases. However, medical professionals agree that this particular form of cancer can occur at any age. If you suspect that you may be at risk for this type of cancer, or you are exhibiting the symptoms that indicate possible complications with the colon, you should make an appointment to discuss your concerns with a medical professional.

2)There are many different situations which can indicate that an individual is at high risk for developing colon cancer. These risks include:

- Cases of colon cancer in an individual's family history

- Previous cases of ovarian cancer, breast cancer, or cancer of the uterus in female's

- Smoking tobacco can greatly increase an individual's chance of developing this form of cancer

- Individual's who are overweight, or considered obese, generally have a higher chance of developing complications with the colon

- Many who take certain types of prescription medications may have a higher chance of developing this form of cancer

3)Individual's who develop colon cancer often exhibit a number of symptoms. We will outline these symptoms here:

- Bleeding is one of the most common symptoms. This may occur from the area of the rectum. The blood may be present in the stools.

- The sufferer may experience various levels of pain in the abdomen.

- Many suffer from vomiting and bouts of nausea.

- Colon cancer may lead to weight loss.

- Many may feel as if they are not done eliminating waste when using the restroom.

- There are many changes in the appearance of stools. They may appear thinner and look like strings.

4)There are a number of tests that can be completed to determine if an individual has colon cancer. The first type of test is a back exam of the rectum. Other tests include the colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, enema using air and contrast, and even a CT scan. These particular tests are used to identify the presence of colon cancer, if tumors are present, and the exact locations in which the colon cancer may have spread.

5)There are some treatments available for colon cancer that has proven to be effective in treating and curing the disease. One of the first forms of treatment includes having a single part, or the entire colon organ removed from the body. Many doctors may be able to remove simple abnormalities without having to go as far as to eliminate the colon altogether. However, continued care must be pursued if an individual has surgery for colon cancer.

- Chemotherapy is often used after surgery that is directly related to colon cancer. This is especially helpful if the cancer has spread to other locations within the body.

- Many individuals may elect to participate in radiation. Radiation is effective in two different ways. First of all, it can help to reduce the size of the abnormal growths in the body, and it can help to ensure that the colon cancer does not return after surgical treatment.

- Many individuals benefit from having a colostomy performed. The end of this tube is attached to the colon and the other end is an opening in the abdomen. A bag at this opening catches feces and other types of waste. However, this form of treatment is usually only done in severe circumstances.

As you can see, there are a number of important things that you should know about colon cancer. In this article, we have detailed the top five important details that you should know and understand regarding colon cancer. If you find that you are suffering from the symptoms associated with this form of cancer, it is important to seek medical advice immediately. It is important to not delay.

Find out whether or not Bowtrol is a good Colon Cleanse or not:


Monday, December 3, 2007

Why Take Body and Colon Cleansing Seriously

Detoxifying your intestines can actually cure many of the lifestyle illnesses common to modern western society. We eat highly processed, high fat and high sugar foods, do not drink enough pure water, and generally speaking sit down far more than we move about. The natural result of this lifestyle is poor elimination which leads to a build up of toxic materials in the intestines.

A toxic colon and associated constipation can cause bad breath, foul smelling wind and stools, allergies, poor elimination, irregular bowel movements, diarrhea, congestion, headaches, general aches and pains, intolerance to fatty foods, lethargy, lower back pain, poor immunity, liver or gall bladder pain, P.M.S., skin outbreaks, vaginal infection, and sore breasts.

Constipation occurs when body waste moves too slowly through the large intestine causing irregular and often straining elimination. As a consequence, putrefied, toxic fecal matter stays in the colon for far too long and layer upon layer hardens and sticks to the colon wall. It has been said that Elvis Presley had sixty pounds of accumulated fecal material in his colon.

This sort of build up of toxic waste in the intestines is basically the result of lifestyle. Insufficient fiber and water in many diets combined with high intake of processed foods and inadequate exercise has led to the majority of people having toxic build up in their intestines. Autointoxication or self poisoning is the natural consequence this break down in elimination.

Therefore the first step in cleansing the colon is to drink plenty of water and eat plenty of fiber. Taking these simple actions while at the same time avoiding foods that are bad for you will give the body the help it needs to begin to right itself.

You will, however, probably need additional help. You can purchase colon cleanse herbal blends or oxidated magnesium supplements to give your intestine a spring clean. Alternatively, you can choose to flush out the toxins directly using colon hydrotherapy administered by a therapist. No matter which method you choose to detoxify your intestines, once the colon is cleansed you only need to repeat the process once a year.

Simply make sure you are eating properly, drinking plenty of water and exercising adequately and you will find that your colon cleanse will set you on the road to improved health and well being. What better investment can you make in yourself?

The function of the colon is not only to digest food, it is also to eliminate waste products from the human body. A diet high in fats and sugars and low in fiber causes constipation and other gastrointestinal disorders which cause fecal matter to accumulate in the colon. If fecal matter is not eliminated within twenty four hours of digestion, it gets deposited in the walls of the colon. Impacted fecal matter can release poisonous gases and harmful toxins into the body poisoning the blood and organs. Ultimately, the whole body can become very sick as a result of a poorly functioning colon.

An effective remedy for a dysfunctional colon is colon hydrotherapy. This practice can be traced back to ancient times and is simply the process of flushing the colon using specific quantities of water at determined intervals. The process of intestinal detoxification using colon hydrotherapy (also known as colonic irrigation) can take a number of sessions depending on how severe the blockages in the colon actually are.

Although colon hydrotherapy is similar to an enema it differs in that it uses a lot more water and cleans the entire colon which is approximately five feet in length. Enemas only clean the lower section of the colon. However, they can still be helpful in detoxifying the intestines as long as they are used regularly.

Pregnant women are not advised to use this treatment as the pressure of the water could harm the baby and the release of toxins into the bloodstream that can accompany colon hydrotherapy can also impact a growing fetus. It is also not recommended for people suffering from heart disease, abdominal hernia, severe hemorrhoids, and amebic dysentery amongst other health problems. If you have a chronic illness it is important to reveal it to your colon therapist before proceeding with colon hydrotherapy.

There are safer, gentler methods of intestinal detoxification that are more suitable for these people including fasting with water and juices, taking colon cleansing herbs and for some people using oxidated magnesium supplements. Regular exercise, a high fiber and low fat diet, and drinking plenty of water also assist in cleansing the colon and keeping it working properly on an ongoing basis.

A colon that is not working properly can make us very sick. Many people are surprised that when they cleanse their colon, a range of health issues disappear that they had never connected with colon health. That being the case, surely we should all take colon health very seriously.

Joe enjoys natural health therapies of all kinds as they rarely have negative side effects. For his latest observations on using oxygen and magnesium for inner cleansing, please see: http://www.endconstipation.net

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Colon Health: 5 Essential Facts

If you are unaware of your current colon health, you could be asking for a world for trouble. Your colon performs a variety of tasks important to your body. First, it helps your body absorb the nutrients it needs. Second, it rids your body of toxins and waste that could all be very harmful to your health. In other words, you need to know as much as you can. The more you know the more prepared you are to help your body defend itself.

1 - Works As A Team

Your colon, along with other organs such as lungs, kidneys, and your skin all work together. They all have important jobs, but they also share a common bond, ridding of waste. Colon health is important to keep up on. If for any reason, something does not work right; your body will be slowly poisoned by the buildup of toxins. Many people have colon hydrotherapy done to get rid of these toxins and prevent buildup.

2 - Age & Diet Is A Factor

How old you are and what you eat have a big stake on your colon health. The older you are, the less ability your colon may have to get rid of waste. If you make sure that your diet includes whole grains, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables, you are doing your job. Making sure you have the right diet can help the body rid of the toxins and waste. This will keep the colon healthy and your overall body healthy as well.

3 - Regular Visits To The Doctor Helps

Making sure your colon is operating as normal is important to colon health. Regular doctor visits can find any evidence of problems and get them taken care of at the same time. Your colon contracts an average of fourteen times a minute, if it's healthy. This helps the food move throughout the body. At the same time, the contractions allow your body to get the nutrients from the food as well.

4 - Use The Restroom

It is important to have at least two bowel movements a day. This rids the body of toxins and prevents buildup. If you are not using the restroom enough, this may be a sign of a problem with the colon. Poor colon health can lead to many problems. If you are having troubles, you may find that simply eating more fiber can help. You might also want to consider a laxative if the fiber increase does not work.

5 - Not Focusing On Colon Health = Trouble

If you find that you are constipated and do not take care of the problem, you could be in for trouble. If there are materials within the colon that are harmful, it could mean a problem. If there is bacteria or waste impacted within the colon, it could cause trouble. This trouble is called bowel toxemia. This means that the colon has become swelled and inflamed.

As you can see, colon health should be a priority in your life.

Find out whether or not Bowtrol is a good Colon Cleanse or not:


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Keep your Colon clean with enemas. See the Benefits and learn about Coffee enemas

What are enemas used for?

Enemas are used to (partially) remove faeces from the
rectum, sigmoid and, to some extent, from the descending
colon. They help discharge parasites and get rid of drug

Skin conditions can sometimes be bettered after a series of
enemas. Patients with headaches and migraines may also

The Gerson therapy claims that by detoxifying the liver, a
coffee enema can help with cancer (see below)

What reactions can be expected?

As the body detoxifies, the patient may feel a relief from
depression and feel more relaxed. Allergy related symptoms
may disappear, pain may subside.

As part of a healing crisis, the patient may suffer
increased flatulence and gas. In some rare cases, some of
the bile may go up in the stomach, through the pyloric
sphincter, and cause some nausea. Vomiting, although rare,
may occur. If this happens, it is important to frequently
drink copious amounts of peppermint tea to excrete the bile
from the stomach. Some Reiki or other healing over the
sensitive area will also help.

When a healing crisis occurs, it is a sign that the liver
is detoxifying and the frequency of the enemas should be
increased. If in doubt as to what to do, consult a
qualified therapist.

Is it safe?

Prior to using an enema, you should first consult a
metabolic therapist to make sure that there are no
intestinal blockages or contra-indications.

Enemas are used in most "Alternative Therapy" clinics in
the United States and Mexico. Coffee enemas are, arguably,
the best way to detoxify the liver without the harmful use
of strong chemicals. The Gerson therapy makes extensive use
of enemas, recommending that they should be administered
every four hours or more in certain cases.

A qualified therapist should always be consulted for advice
when a patient has had chemotherapy treatment or colostomy.

The different positions

There are many positions that can be used when receiving an

1- Lying on the right side knees bent up

2- Lying on the left side knees bent up

3- Head down and backside up

4- On your back

What should you do during an Enema Cleanse?

Drink more water. It is essential for everyone to drink at
least 6 to 8 glasses of water every day. Dehydration is a
major cause of constipation and bowel problems. You don't
have to be thirsty to be dehydrated. Water is needed to

How often can you take an enema?

It is important to know that enemas do not weaken the
intestines but strengthens them. They will encourage the
peristaltic movement (movement of food in the intestines).

In some Natural cure hospitals,, enemas are recommended
several times a day on a daily basis. However, if you are
healthy an enema can be safely taken once or twice a week
without problem. If in doubt as to how often you can take
an enema, please consult your therapist.

The equipment needed to receive an enema

I would recommend a 1 litre enema bucket to start with.
Once used to enemas, you may want to use a 2 litre bucket.

At the beginning, and sometimes unexpectedly, an enema can
be messy and unattractively redecorate your room. It is
therefore important to be prepared for the unexpected. A
waterproof, floor or covering of some type should be used
to lie on. This can in turn be covered with an old blanket
or towel.

Comfort is important, as the treatment will last about 15
to 20 minutes. During the enema, you may read, watch TV,
listen to the radio or do whatever you believe you can do
with a tube sticking out of your bottom.

Special equipment as follows is needed:

* A waterproof covering or surface

* A blanket or other covering for warmth

* A pillow to support your head

* A roll of absorbent tissues for spillage or to clean up

* Vaseline or KY Jelly to lubricate the end of the tube

* A special enema bucket with a tube outlet

* A catheter tube for insertion in the anus

* A fine mesh sieve for the coffee enema

* A platform on which to rest the bucket. This should be
about 40 to 50 centimetres higher than the patient but not
much more

* A stainless steel pan to heat the water

* A watch to keep track of time

The process

* In a clean enema bucket, add whatever herbs, natural
product etc. you are going to use

* Make sure the mixture is at body temperature (100-102
Fahrenheit or 37-38 Celsius)

* Open the tube and run a little bit of the liquid to get
rid of the residual air. Close the tube again

* Go to the place where you are going to receive the enema

* Place the bucket 40-50 cms above you

* Lubricate the end of the catheter tube with some
Vaseline, KY jelly or saliva.

* For coffee enemas It is best to lie on your right side to
help the absorption of the enema mixture through the
haemorrhoidal and portal veins. However, it is also fine to
lie on the left side or on your front, whatever position
you feel comfortable.

* Slightly bend your knees towards your abdomen

* Insert about 5 to 8 cms of the tube into your rectum (it
is important not to insert too much of the tube as
otherwise you may damage the fine membranes in your rectum
or sigmoid colon)

* Open the tube and let the "enema mixture" flow in

* Keep the tube open and connected to the bucket during the
treatment. Whilst the mixture is in your intestines, you
may feel some pressure and gas. An open tube will allow
this pressure to be released.

* The bucket should empty in about 2-3 minutes.

* Retain the enema for a further 15 - 20 minutes.

* Go to the toilet and excrete the mixture

* Keep your equipment clean. Wash it after each use with a
good biodegradable product such as Ecover washing up
liquid. Use a 6% hydrogen peroxide solution to thoroughly
clean the equipment.

It is a good idea when receiving the enema to massage your
abdomen in a counter clockwise motion. This will help the
enema mixture to move higher up into the colon.

When expelling the enema, it is a good idea to massage your
abdomen in a clockwise motion to help the mixture come out
of your colon. Bringing your knees up and squatting when
expelling the enema will also help.

Coffee Enemas - what are they for?

* Detoxifies the liver/gallbladder

* It opens the bile ducts

* Produces enzyme activity for oxygen uptake and helps the
formation of red blood cells

* To some extent flushes deposits from the large intestines

* Increases the movement of food through the intestines
(peristaltic movement)

* Stimulates the digestive tracts

* Believed by Dr Max Gerson (of the Gerson therapy) that by
detoxifying the liver and gall bladder, coffee enemas could
help the health of cancer patients.

* Releases toxins and helps control pain


* In a clean stainless steel saucepan, boil 1 litre (about
1 quart) of distilled or filtered water

* Gradually add 3 level tablespoons of the best organic
ground coffee you can buy.

* Boil for 5 further minutes uncovered

* Cover and simmer for 15 minutes.

* Turn off the heat

* Sieve the mixture in the enema bucket (making sure the
tube coming off it is closed).

* The enema will be ready to use when the temperature goes
down to body temperature (100-102 Fahrenheit or 37-38

Make sure to breathe deeply during the whole treatment to
help the absorption of coffee

Note: Nowadays, I only boil half the water I need for the
coffee enema and top it up with cold filtered water. This
saves me some of the "cooling down time".

Note: Coffee enemas are best taken in the morning.

About the Author:

Patrick Hamouy teaches Reiki Healing, Indian Head Massage,
Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT), Anatomy & Physiology,
Oriental Diagnosis & Psychic Development. He sees customers
for consultations.in Macrobiotic, Emotional Freedom Therapy
(EFT) and Removal of toxic products from the home
environment Full information on his web site at:

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

What You Should Know About Colon Health

Colon health is undeniably an important issue that directly affects our entire bodies. A properly functioning colon is necessary to not only absorb essential nutrients, but to rid the body of waste and harmful toxins.

Learning as much as you can about having a healthy colon is the best defense for warding off a host of illnesses and conditions.

5 Important Facts About Colon Health

1. Besides the skin, kidneys, and lungs, the colon is another organ that helps the body get rid of waste materials. If colon health is compromised for some reason, toxins may build up over time.

These toxins may be absorbed into the bloodstream and lymph nodes, negatively affecting the rest of our body. Colon hydrotherapy is one procedure used to cleanse the bowel of these harmful substances.

2. As we age, the colon may lose some of its ability to effectively eliminate waste. It is for this reason that our diets should contain adequate amounts of fiber from sources such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

3. Peristalsis is the term used to describe movement within the colon. These contractions move food through the digestive tract and help the body absorb nutrients.

A healthy colon has approximately 14 contractions within the colon each and every minute.

4. Two to three bowel movements per day are necessary for avoiding the accumulation of harmful toxins. Infrequent bowel movements or constipation directly contribute to poor colon health.

Some people suffering from constipation find laxatives to be helpful, or simply increasing their fiber intake.

5. Bowel toxemia refers to a condition that causes inflammation and swelling within the colon. This may occur when the colon contains impacted fecal matter, bacteria, or other harmful materials.

If the colon becomes inflamed, it won't be able to function normally, possibly leading to several other ailments throughout the body.

4 Simple Tips for Good Colon Health

1. Eat Healthy

It's no secret that diet plays an important role in our overall health and well being. Studies show that people who eat fewer red meats and more vegetables have a lower risk of colon cancer.

A diet high in fiber has also been linked to good colon health. Fiber enables the body to move waste matter through the digestive tract faster than normal.

If your diet is lacking in vitamins, minerals, or fiber, supplements that contain folate (folic acid) are thought to protect cells within the colon from developing cancer.

2. Stay Physically Active

Regular exercise is essential for all aspects of good health, and colon health is no different. Experts agree that regular physical activity, at least 30 minutes per day aids in digestion.

The quicker waste material passes through the colon, the less chance for toxins to accumulate.

3. Avoid Alcohol and Cigarettes

Besides causing various other health problems, excessive amounts of alcohol affects our colon health as well.

Although the reasons aren't clear, people who have one or fewer alcoholic drinks per day have a lower risk of colon cancer. Cigarette smoke is harmful to the delicate tissues of the colon.

4. Get Regular Screenings

Unless you have a family history, colorectal screenings should begin at age 50 to check for cancer. Nearly a third of all colon cancer deaths could have been avoided through early detection.

Find out whether or not Bowtrol is a good Colon Cleanse or not:


The low down on colon cancer screening

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14 November 2007

Dear Reader,

A friend of mine named Charles (who's nearing his 60th birthday) recently
mentioned that he's planning his second tubing expedition.

"Tubing" is his metaphor for "colonoscopy." When you allow doctors to sedate
and insert a camera where no ray of sunshine ever falls, it helps to have a
sense of humour about it.

But according to a new study, Charles may not need to go tubing because a
free method might work just as well. No tube sounds promising, but is this
alternative screening technique really preferable?

Double jeopardy

For more than three decades, optical colonoscopy (OC) has been the primary
method of colon cancer screening. But an alternative method called computed
colonography (CTC) has been developed over the past few years. This method
also known as "virtual colonoscopy" because it's minimally invasive,
requiring a
catheter to be inserted into the rectum to fill the colon with air, followed
noninvasive optical scan.

Obviously neither method is a day at the beach, but is CTC as effective as
That's the question US researchers at the University of Wisconsin Medical
School set
out to answer with a study that was published earlier this month in the New
Journal of Medicine.


* The UW team compared screening results from 3,163 patients who underwent
traditional colonoscopy to the results from 3,120 patients who were examined
with the CTC technique
* In the CTC screening, 123 advanced tumours were found, compared to 121 in
the OC group
* Total polyps removed in the CTC group: 561
* Total polyps removed in the OC group: 2,434
* Seven perforations of the colon occurred in the OC group compared to none
in the CTC group

Researchers concluded: "These findings support the use of CTC as a primary
screening test before therapeutic OC."

The risk of a perforated colon is a clear drawback for traditional
but let's take another look at two of those bullet points regarding the
total polyps
removed. Those numbers are so lopsided because all polyps are routinely
on the spot during OC, but when polyps were detected in the CTC group,
were given the option of leaving very small polyps in place or undergoing an
additional OC procedure to remove the polyps.

Tiny polyps may never become a problem, but with OC there's no question -
polyps are removed. And this is a clear advantage of traditional
colonoscopy. In
the UW study, about eight percent of the patients underwent follow-up OC
undergoing CTC.

Balloon animal

Virtual colonoscopy is generally referred to as "noninvasive." But as noted
above, there's an invasive moment when air is pumped into the colon by
catheter. Given
the choice between air and a tube, most people would probably choose air.
But I know
of at least one patient who wouldn't recommend filling the colon with air.

In an e-Alert I sent you about two years ago, an HSI member shared a
account of a CTC procedure: "I thought I was going to just have a CT scan.

You have to pump yourself up with air so that they can take the pictures.
Filling yourself up with air is undescribable. I thought I was going to blow
off the
bed. It takes 7 minutes all told but it was the longest 7 minutes I have
ever gone

"It has been one week since the test and my stomach is still very large and
hard. I am sure that there is still air in there. God knows how long this
lasts. It also
makes it difficult to eat as you feel full very quickly. So all I can say is
never, never
again would I do this."

Now that I've completely scared everyone away from considering CTC, it
should be
noted that this procedure may have an unexpected benefit that OC doesn't

According to a HealthDay report about a 2005 study of 500 patients who
CTC, in more than half the cases doctors discovered other health issues that
were unrelated to the colon - problems such as lesions, masses in solid
organs, and
large aneurysms.

If you're due for a colon screening, talk to your doctor about the pros and
of the CTC and OC techniques.



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...and another thing

According to the most comprehensive international scientific study carried
to date, more than a third of cancers are caused by simple, preventable
factors including
insufficient exercise and poor diet.

Research indicated that being even slightly overweight was found to increase
risk of a range of common cancers including breast, bowel and pancreatic
cancer. The
largest review of links between diet and cancer, incorporating more than
7,000 studies,
concludes that there is convincing evidence that excess body fat can cause
least six different types of the disease.

Until tomorrow,

UK Editor

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"CT Colonography Versus Colonoscopy for the Detection of Advanced Neoplasia"
England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 357, No. 14, 10/4/07, content.nejm.org
"Another Battle Won" The Associated Press, 9/15/07, ap.org

Monday, October 29, 2007

Take Care Of Your Body From The Inside Out With Colon Cleansing

Many physicians today are promoting cleansing of the colon to promote good health due to the fact that if the colon is not working right, toxins must leave the body through other avenues. Doctors say that these detoxification methods cleanse every tissue and cell in the body. The problem with the build in the colon is that toxic matter in the colon can cause things like colon diseases, headaches, fatigue, muscle aches, lupus, and cardiovascular disease.

Another thing that ca be accomplished with this type of treatment is the removal of unwanted parasites that our bodies might be harboring. Parasites can come from insect bites, rare or undercooked meat, vegetables that have not been cleaned properly, and even through sexual activity. In fact, it's more common to pass on parasites than it is to pass on a venereal disease.

The body is designed for the bowels to move after every meal but in our western civilization, that is difficult to do so we have trained our bodies to once a day. This can cause the colon to become backed up, and serious problems can develop. A toxic colon can cause intolerance to certain foods and becomes a breeding ground for bacteria. Even if you do have regular bowel movements, the waste can pass through and still leave a residue on the walls of the colon. A dirty colon can cause the muscles of the colon wall to lose tone, and ballooning or pouches can form causing diverticulitis.

How do you go about cleaning out the colon? There are numerous ways, some that will accomplish the task quickly and some gradually. If you want fast results, there is colonic irrigation that is a very rapid and efficient method to wash away years of impacted feces and toxins.

You can also get good results by altering your diet and you will begin to see improvements within a short time after starting the process. You will see skin problems begin to disappear, chronic fatigue is alleviated, and the whites of the eyes regain their youthful clearness. This slower dietary method takes several weeks, with the patient starting out by eating raw food for as 50 percent of their diet. Water is always an important part of the cleansing process. People mistakenly believe they shouldn't drink a lot of water because they will retain fluids. The fact of the matter is, the body retains the fluids because it isn't getting enough fluid and goes into survival mode to keep what it can.

After going through a cleansing you will feel much lighter and more energetic. Your immune system will also be much healthier from getting rid of the toxins and bacteria.

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Florida. Find more about this and Natural Hemorrhoid Relief at http://www.hemorrhoidreliefnow.com

How To Eat For Colon Health

A Proper diet is important for us to maintain optimum health but many people do not realize just how important a healthy diet is for a healthy colon. When we eat right our colon will actually help us stay healthier and can even help to reduce high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Your colon is like a mini recycling center. It is able to absorb huge amounts of water which it uses in the recycling and waste removal process, it can actually absorb as much as eight times more water than the rest of the body does on a daily basis. While going through this process the colon separates waste from what is recycled which is water, electrolytes, and bile salts taken back into the body's system.

To make sure that our colons remain healthy a good diet along with proper sleep and regular exercise is essential. As part of a healthy diet eating a good amount of fiber is crucial to the proper function of the colon as well and contributes to overall health as well. There are also certain kinds of friendly bacteria such as acidophilus that are good for you and help the colon to work properly.

Some of the maladies that indicate poor colon health are the following: Constipation and hemorrhoids which are both caused by a lack of fiber in the diet and colitis which is caused by an inflammation of the inner lining of the colon. Colon cancer can be prevented with a proper diet as well and due to testing available today is also one of the most curable cancers as well. Smaller problems can also be caused by colon-related functions. Things such as bad breath, acne and spider veins can be caused by a malfunction in the colon, because the colon rids the body of waste, it also cleanses the body. Poor health overall is the result of poor detoxification.

Colonics are a popular approach used to cleanse the colon using chemicals, tubes, and water to push fluid through the colon and remove leftover waste. Many people abuse these processes and end up harming their colon due to the removal of necessary bacteria. Colonics can be helpful if used properly, but it is best to consult with your doctor before using any of these therapies. Often they are not needed, and the "toxins" that are supposedly building up in the colon and intestine are often natural residue from the body's natural processes. It is debatable whether or not the residue left in the colon really does affect the body in a negative way, although patients from colonics often report fresher skin, whiter eyes and a lighter sense of balance when the procedure is complete. The procedure can have some harmful side effects, however, and patients should be aware of these before undergoing treatment.

There are easier, healthier ways to clean the colon than this process. Changing your diet is one. A diet of fiber and raw foods helps clean the walls of the colon, and diuretics are helpful in producing excess waste and stools.

Care of the colon results in clear skin, healthy eyes and a good sense of balance.

Gregg Hall is a business consultant and author for many online and offline businesses and lives in Navarre Florida with his 16 year old son. For more on colon health supplements go to http://www.zefarilhealth.com

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Spastic Colon And The Rumbling That Interrupts Your Life

Abdominal pain and cramping which is relieved after a bowel
movement may be related to a spastic colon.

This common stomach condition is often accompanied by a
headache, diarrhea, constipation, bloating and even water

Spastic colon occurs where there is an increase in the normal
and spontaneous contractions of the muscles found in the large
and small intestines. These spasms lead to varying severity of
symptoms in those who suffer with spastic colon.

For those who suffer with spastic colon it is often very
difficult to be away from home too much and you may begin to
alter your lifestyle in order to make sure you are constantly
near a bathroom just in case the symptoms of spastic colon hit

When the symptoms and pain of spastic colon begins to interfere
so much with life that you are altering your daily plans, it is
important to make the phone call and schedule a complete
physical with your health care provider so that you can get the
attention you so desperately need.

Spastic colon may also be known as irritable bowel syndrome,
and regardless of what you call it, there are many treatment
options available for you.

While there doesn't seem to be a perfect and hard fast
explanation for this stomach condition, there are some who
believe that it may be caused by the excess buildup of fecal
matter in the colon.

Healthcare providers typically recommend that regular bowel
movements become a part of regular daily life.

To begin with, spastic colon treatment general revolves around
lifestyle changes such as stress reduction, dietary changes, and
even anti-diarrheal medications.

Changing your diet may be a great place to start. For example,
taking in more bulk and fiber is critical to having more regular
and normalized bowel function.

Legumes or beans are a great addition to any diet. Beans such
as lima beans, black beans, and even peas are all great sources
of fiber.

It is also important to avoid foods which are high in fat such
as fast foods and make smarter and healthier food choices.

Fresh foods and vegetables such as salads, leafy green veggies,
whole fresh fruit, and even breads and pastas made to with whole
grain and whole wheat are all great alternatives to fast food.

Spastic colon does not have to control your life and you should
work aggressively with your physician to design the treatment
plan which works best for you, so that you feel as if you have
control over your spastic colon instead of the other way around.

About The Author: For more important information on stomach
pain be sure to visit http://a-stomach-pain.com where you will
find advice and tips on common stomach pain causes such as
irritable bowel syndrome, acid reflux, and other articles that
you can view at http://www.a-stomach-pain.com

Please use the HTML version of this article at:

Monday, September 24, 2007

Massage for Constipation

Many parents find that their little ones may have some
difficulty with digestion. Constipation occurs for
everyone at some time in their life, but can cause pain and
discomfort for your baby. There are many different methods
you can try to help relieve this discomfort however; I have
found infant massage specifically for constipation to be
very effective.

Massage can be used to help encourage your baby's bowels to
move. Before starting any massage for baby:

- Make sure the room is warm enough (especially if removing
baby's clothing)

- Relax yourself

- Warm your hands by rubbing them together

- Ask baby's permission to start massage by making eye
contact and verbally asking out loud "Is it okay if I
massage your Tummy?"

You can massage over clothing, but for tummy massage, I
would recommend you use a little oil and massage directly
on the skin. The warmth of skin to skin contact can be
very helpful for constipation as well.

For oil, use all natural vegetable or fruit based oil,
something edible. Good choices that you may already have
at home include grape seed oil or olive oil. Put a small
drop of oil in your hands, about the size of a coin, and
rub together to warm. Show baby what you are doing, he'll
start to associate the sight and sound with what comes next.

When doing these massage strokes, use a firm but gentle
pressure. Always check in with your baby to make sure he
likes the massage. Feel free to try a lighter pressure,
use a different stroke or just stop if he's done.

To massage your baby's tummy, place warmed hands on tummy
at or below the belly button. I know it's a small space,
but important to target the bowels. Using flat palms
gently stroke downward, using hand over hand, a paddling
type motion. Next moving hands in a clockwise motion,
(very important to move clockwise – if you go the wrong
way, you'll create more issues), stroke baby's tummy in a

Now we'll do a 3-part stroke called I Love You!

With baby laying on the floor facing you: (remember
clockwise motion)

1. First trace the letter "I" on baby's left side

2. Next draw an "L" starting on baby's right side, across
the top of the tummy and down baby's left side

3. Then draw an upside-down "U"

Finish on the tummy by stroking down with warmed flat hands
a few times.

During tummy massage your baby may have a bowel movement or
release some air – great! You may wish to leave his diaper
off during the massage session. Babies like to have the
freedom of movement they gain without a diaper, so if you
decide to leave it off, just have something underneath in
case of any accidents.

About the Author:

Looking for expert advice, tips and tools to help improve
your child's health? Find answers to all your questions
about infant massage instruction training, massage for
children and pediatric massage therapy at
http://www.liddlekidz.com . Infant Massage Instructor
Trainer, Tina Allen, founder of leading children's health
and nurturing touch organization Liddle Kidz™, shares over
ten years of expertise working with children and families.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Colon Cleansing Detox Benefits

Due to a polluted environment, careless nutrition and stress, our body is exposed to a huge number of aggressors that determine various painful and often embarrassing health conditions. The immediate cause of many of these ailments lies in the toxin accumulation at the colon level and the impossibility to eliminate these substances for good. Many doctors now recommend a colon detox as a means of cleansing the system from the more difficult to eliminate waste. A certain cleansing frequency is a must in order to really see benefits and improve your life. In order to understand the importance of this type of detox we need to explain the concept of body pollution first.

The body is exposed to the action of toxins on a daily basis: at work, at home, by the processed food of our meals and the large amount of sugar intake, from the water supply and even the current use of pharmaceutical drugs. Maybe learning more on colon detox could open the door to healthier living and a whole range of environmental changes that are within our reach. The medical practitioners that provide cleansing health programs are very likely to show you pictures of the pollution as it builds up in the liver, the kidneys or the colon. Most patients are usually surprised to learn what sort of burden they've been carrying around.

Studies show that regular colon detox helps you eliminate the risk of intestinal parasites that usually feed on the decayed waste that clogs the colon. All people carry specific parasites and microorganisms inside the body system, but health problems only appear when these tiny monsters come to rule. In many cases this is a far bigger problem than you may have realized since statistics show that parasites kill humans in a very disproportionate war. If you're wondering when it is the right time to run a colon detox, here are some specific symptoms that may convince you to take action.

First of all, unexplained fatigue combined with poor digestion is the main clue that you need a colon detox. Then come constipation, rashes, bloating, gas and a whole range of symptoms that interfere with every aspect of your life. The first step to eliminate the colon toxins is by getting rid of the parasites that produce other toxins in their turn. Besides regular drugs prescribed under such circumstances you can always use herbal mixtures meant to detox the final part of the digestive tract. After the colon cleansing, it's time for the kidneys and the liver to be freed from heavy metals and the various chemicals.

For a complete colon detox, a replenishing of friendly bacteria is a compulsory requirement; therefore, the use of probiotic supplements is essential for the recovery of your general strength. No detox program should be adopted without the doctor's recommendation particularly when it comes to the use of powerful herbal extracts and the best person to provide the necessary support here is a naturopath. Last but not least, get a firm grip on the immune system, since very often after a colon detox, it needs a supplementary boost. Some plants such as Echinacea may work wonders for the immunity, don't hesitate to ask your doctor about it.

Steve Thomas writes about the importance of considering a colon cleansing detox. Get more information today on the benefits of following a detoxing diet at http://www.detoxdietin.com/

Monday, August 6, 2007

There Are Many Colon Cleaners That Will Give You a Great Result

Have you ever considered trying a colon cleanse? It's probably not something you think about like trying a new restaurant or trying to get to Disneyworld this year. But the truth is that you should spend more time thinking about the topics of colon cleaners and colon health. If you've never tried a natural colon cleanse, you'll be amazed at how much better you feel afterwards. The good news is that there are many colon cleaners that will give you a great result.

A poorly functioning colon is a fairly widespread condition in many developed countries like the United States. People tend to eat way too many processed foods and don't include enough natural choices in their diet. In addition, most people don't get enough fiber, nor do they drink enough water. The consequence is usually a sluggish colon lined with old fecal matter. A natural colon cleanse can remove this left behind waste and restore your digestive system to complete effectiveness.

Several different types of products are available for a natural colon cleanse. If you're lucky enough to have a local alternative health care or natural foods store, they will probably carry many of these natural colon cleaners. You may wish to shop online for colon cleaners, either for the sake of convenience or because you're embarrassed to purchase products connected with your colon and bowel movements. Although there's really no need for embarrassment, it's perfectly understandable. Just make sure that you purchase your natural colon cleaners from a reputable Internet company. You don't want to make your health worse by purchasing substandard products.

Colon cleaners that will give you a great result include oxygen-based products and herbal products. Another choice for colon cleansing is the use of colon hydrotherapy or colonics. The alternative health community often recommends the use of oxygen-based colon cleaners because they are capable of removing unwanted bacteria without harming the good bacteria that you need in your colon. Oxygen-based colon cleaners work throughout your entire digestive tract, not just your colon.

Herbal-based colon cleaners tend to be a little gentler on your system and a little slower to work. But the end result is still just as beneficial. Most natural herbal colon cleaners include high-quality natural fiber to accomplish the removal of old fecal matter from your colon walls. Most formulations also have herbs to attack parasites, just in case you happen to be harboring any intestinal worms or parasites in your colon. This may not be a problem if you haven't traveled extensively, but you never know what you can pick up sometimes.

Colon hydrotherapy is preferred by some. It's actually like an enema, but uses purified water or other natural liquids. Although there is certainly more to colon hydrotherapy than taking some pills, but it's not harsh in any way and many patients swear by the results.

Colon cleaners can give you a great result, but if you don't change your lifestyle and diet, the benefits of a colon cleanse won't last forever. You should eliminate as many processed foods as possible. Eat lots of raw fruits and vegetables, and drink lots of water and juices. The trick is to increase your fiber as much as possible and also make the nutrients in your food more accessible to your body. Natural, raw food is much better suited to your digestive system. This means that when the food passes from the small intestine to the colon, it will be well-digested and much less likely to clog things up.

Your colon is a key part of your body's solid waste elimination system. Any difficulties, diseases or disorders of the colon will almost always have consequences elsewhere in your body. New research suggests that colon health is even related to liver function and brain function. Who would have thought that an unhealthy colon could actually cause cloudy thinking?

Colon cancer is a dreaded disease that also happens to be the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States. A regular colon cleanse and a fiber-rich diet can help to prevent colon cancer. However, even though you'll be preventing a serious illness, if you try colon cleaners just once, you'll be doing it regularly just for how good it makes you feel.

Jim McDonald is a passionate writer and webmaster of http://www.colon-cleaners.com, an informative website about Colons and how a natural colon cleanse can help you solve a multitude of digestive problems.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Understanding The Least Invasive Most Gentle Way To Cleanse The Colon

Not sure of the reaction you will get from friends if you told
them you are going to have a colon cleanse? They may expect it
means you are going to either use a herbal preparation, go for
colonic irrigation or have an enema. However, none of these
approaches are ones that people tend to be happy about adopting,
especially if they are looking for the least invasive, most
gentle way to cleanse the colon.

Having a colon cleanse has become almost fashionable, with the
benefits of a clean colon and detoxing the body being talked
about on almost every day time show, and with infomercials being
shown across countless channels.

However, what people do not realise is that there is no need to
adopt a colon cleansing program, if they adopt some simple steps
to help themselves clean the colon naturally.

This process will take longer than using a herbal preparation
or having the waste flushed out of the body using an enema or
colonic irrigation, but it is a natural process, and will mean
that once adopted the diet will help the person stay cleansed
for life.

Here are some steps a person can take to make the colon a
healthier environment:

Eat more fiber, both soluble and insoluble – Vegetables and
fruit are rich sources of both soluble and insoluble fiber.

Continue reading to discover how to sign up for the free
colon-cleansing newsletter and find our more about detoxing the
body for health.

Avoid foods that are low in fiber while carrying about the
colon-cleansing regime. These would include red meat (no fiber),
sausages, pepperoni, bacon, pork and meat extracts.

Exercise regularly, and everyday while on a colon cleansing
program as exercise stimulates the bowels.

Fasting can help to reduce the amount of foods and toxins being
consumed. This will mean that less food has to be processed and
the body can concentrate on the job of eliminating any waste
lodged in the colon.

Drinking plenty of water is essential, and eliminate all drinks
that dehydrate the body, including alcohol, caffeinated drinks
and soda.

Digestive enzymes and probiotic foods can help rebalance the
gut and colon and also help the body to absorb more nutrients
from the foods eaten.

Digestive enzymes tend to come from raw foods that we eat, and
they are killed or dramatically reduced by the process of
cooking the foods. The most enzyme rich foods are sprouted
seeds, legumes and grains.

If food is cooked then the best way is through lightly steaming
or stewing the food. This way some of the digestive enzymes are
maintained in the food.

Changing diet is the least invasive, most gentle way to cleanse
the colon. Although it may be a slower process than adopting a
colon cleansing program, it does allow for the whole body to get
into balance using solely dietary changes and exercise.

About The Author: Sign up for Maggie Simmons' free Colon
Cleanse newsletter - Overflowing with easy to implement methods
to help you discover more about nutritional supplements for adhd
at http://www.colon-cleanse-for-health.com/?source=is

Please use the HTML version of this article at:

Monday, July 30, 2007

Homeopathic Colon Cleanse: Does It Work And What's Involved?

Most people today hear the word homeopathy and thinks of it as
a form of medicine or medical treatment. In fact, homeopathic
treatments are now being used to cleanse the colon and there are
now clinics and spas that offer homeopathic colon cleanse

Colon cleansing is now considered to be very important in order
to achieve a healthy body. First of all, the colon has two main
functions. The first is that it reclaims water from the digested
food and the second function of the colon is to store and
eliminate waste in the body. However, because of the poor diet
that many people eat, a lot of people tend to suffer from
different kinds of colon problems.

First of all, the colon needs fiber in order to function
properly and also to get rid of waste efficiently by encouraging
bowel movement. A poor diet does not supply fiber rich foods.

The aim of homeopathic treatment is to normalise bowel movement
and serve as a way to detoxify your body from the toxins that
the waste produces.

Homeopathic treatments will require you to visit a homeopathic
practitioner where they will take a detailed medical history as
homeopathy treats the body as a whole rather than just
individual parts. Once they have all the information they need
you will be given a specific medicine individual to you to
cleanse your colon with.

Continue reading to discover the truth about colon cleansing
and find out what really works by signing up for our Free

These type of treatments generally use natural substances and
have a low risk of causing side effects when taken.

The homeopathic practitioners you choose should perform a
personalized diagnosis in order know what exactly is causing
your colon problems.

However, a word of caution, homeopathy is a much-debated
subject, which has been largely discredited by the medical
community. It aims to treat like with like, and the scientific
community believe that many of the results achieved by true
homeopathic treatments are through the placebo effect.

True homeopathic approaches to cleaning the colon are different
to herbal preparations or laxatives, although the terms can
sometimes be confused.

If you want to choose a homeopathic colon cleansing treatment,
then make sure that you speak with someone who has already
utilised one previously and seen good results.

The jury is still out as to whether a homeopathic colon cleanse
can actually help improve colon cleanse health. However if you
want adopt this type of treatment I would suggest also changing
your diet to include more insoluble and soluble fiber, as this
has been proven to increase improve colon mobility and naturally
clean the colon.

About The Author: Sign up for Maggie Simmons' free Colon
Cleanse newsletter - Overflowing with easy to implement methods
to help you discover more about homeopathic colon cleanse at

Please use the HTML version of this article at:

Friday, July 27, 2007

Colon Cleanse And Parasite Removal - The Way To Radiant Health

Parasites are mean, selfish and serve only one purpose, to
preserve its own population and survive. But the more they grow,
the more their host weakens. It is imperative to stop any rising
parasite population, you must eliminate any environments that
they thrive in and remove their sources of food. If you are a
parasite host (and more people are than they think), then you
might want to use a colon cleanse and parasite removal

Although it would be hard not to notice the hype about colon
cleansing with all the advertisements and infomercials that are
being shown, all the websites and discussions that take place on
forums and chat rooms. However, this talk can create a lot of
confusion and there are people who are left in the dark when it
comes to the mechanics and true benefits of colon cleansing.

A person though doesn't need to have a medical degree to
understand the reasons to keep the colon functioning correctly
and reduce the chance of blockage occurring

Over time, waste can accumulate in our colon especially if the
host has a poor diet and does minimal exercise.

So if you, like many typical Americans, have spent the last
decade or so eating fried and fatty foods, drinking buckets of
soda and alcohol, smoking excessively and living an unhealthy
lifestyle, there is a high chance that your colon may be packing
with accumulated waste. The perfect home for parasites.

If a parasitic infection goes untreated it can lead to many
health complications, as the parasites release toxins and
destroy healthy tissue.

In order to remove these parasite colonies, there are
medications that can be taken. These are affective at killing
the parasites, but they can of course return if the environment
that they thrive in is not improved.

This is where an effective colon cleansing therapy can help.
But with so many colon cleanse programs being offered it may be
very difficult to choose which treatment would be best.

Here is a brief preview of the five most basic colon cleanse
and parasite removal treatments available today.

• Enema – An old age procedure, this is often used to treat
constipation. This treatment introduces water into the rectum
through a thin tube and attempts to soften any compacted waste
and flush out the toxins, allowing for easy bowel movement. This
process however only tends to react the rectum and lower end of
the colon so the effects are limited.

• Colon hydrotherapy or irrigation – Is very much like the
enema although the treatment reaches further into the colon. A
trained operator inserts a thin tube and loosens any waste
material attached to the colon wall allowing it to be flushed
out. This process can see immediate effects with the whole of
the colon being cleaned in one or a few sessions.

• Laxatives – already widely used, this form of treatment is
effective in clearing out waste from the colon, though they only
generally treat temporary blockages and not the compacted waste.

• Herbal supplements – Sold in a capsule or in a pill form,
they provide laxative-like functions and also gives nutrients to
the colon and the digestive system, helping with colon health.

• Oxygen based colon cleansers - this colon cleanser attempt to
"melt" the compacted waste and transforms them to a gas or
liquid form for easy removal. They also provide oxygen to the
colon and the entire digestive system rejuvenating them and
allowing them to work well.

Continue reading to discover natural methods for cleaning the
colon and sign up for our free detoxification newsletter.

Having a colon cleanse and parasite removal treatment may not
be something you talk about with friends, but they are a great
way of improving colon health and therefore full body health.

About The Author: Sign up for Maggie Simmons' free Colon
Cleanse newsletter - Overflowing with easy to implement methods
to help you discover more about colon cleanse and parasite
removal at http://www.colon-cleanse-for-health.com/?source=is

Please use the HTML version of this article at:

Saturday, July 14, 2007

How To Perform Internal Colon Cleansing Naturally

When the waste elimination system clogs, your body will reabsorb some of the toxins through the blood stream. This can lead to disruption in your internal organs and development of diseases as your body tries to get rid of these toxins. As the colon cannot function properly, the toxins will begin to accumulate and then develop into a hardened fecal matter. By this time, your body cannot remove it on its own. Internal colon cleansing can get rid of this unwanted and hardened waste material before they can release more toxins to cause more illnesses.

Today's diet cannot benefit your colon. Most of the foods you eat are processed or refined. Microwave prepared food and fast foods with hydrogenated fats are popular meals nowadays. These foods are responsible for the build up of toxins in the colon. Therefore, you need to change the way you eat.

The most natural way to cleanse your colon is taking plenty of fiber. Fiber provides the bulk required in moving the toxins to the bowel. You need at least 25 to 30 grams of fiber every day. Include high fiber foods such as wheat germ, rice bran cereals, and oat bran in your diet. Eat at least 3 to 4 servings each of fruits and vegetables.

Drinking sufficient water can restore your colon to a healthy state. Water helps to soften the stool for easy elimination. You should drink 1/2 of your weight in ounces of pure non-carbonated water. Therefore, if your body weighs 150 pounds, you should drink 75 ounces of water.

Constipation makes your body difficult to discharge waste. Usually, if you are passive, you tend to develop constipation. Exercise helps to promote regular bowel movement. Make sure your diet supplies enough calories for you to exercise. Insufficient calories can make you feel fatigue easily. Your body also cannot recover fast enough for next set of drills. This is because you not getting enough energy needed for your workout. For best results in cleansing your colon, exercise at least thirty minutes per day.

You also need to reduce the consumption of meat and dairy products. They can mess up your colon. When your body detoxifies especially from 8 am to 12 pm, avoid heavy foods. Heavy foods require more energy for digestion. This helps to cleanse your colon without interference.

If you drink enough water, exercise, and consume a sufficient amount of fiber, your colon will restore its function over time. Internal colon cleansing helps to maintain and improve your health. When your colon removes the waste efficiently, your body can work properly and keep diseases at bay. You will be surprised that some common illnesses just disappear.

If you enjoy reading this article, come over and read different topics on colon cleansing at http://www.ColonDigest.com

Find out why you need to cleanse your colon at http://www.colondigest.com/internal-colon-cleansing.php

Monday, July 9, 2007

Colon Cleanse Info - Learning The Essentials

Most people have probably heard of colon cleansing and have at
least a basic knowledge or awareness of what a colon cleanse
entails. The benefits of maintaining a clean colon and a
healthy digestive system are too numerous to mention in this
article and a relatively small investment of time to gain
useful colon cleanse info and insight could save you years of
struggling with your health, and prolong your life. As well as,
of course, saving you medical expenses.

These days you're hard pressed to sit in front of your TV
without being hit by a colon cleanse or detox infomercial.
These infomercials often provide basic info about colon
cleansing, they tend to tell you what colon cleansing can do
for you and what may happen if you allow your colon health to
deteriorate. However, these adverts are understandable focused
on selling the merchant's product and are so understandably
biased in their praise of their own product.

Unfortunately, because colon cleansing has raised so much
awareness, there are some individuals or companies whom are all
too willing to take advantage of this manic rush for colon
cleansing products. There are a number of colon cleansers in
the market today demanding high prices, and the result of the
product does not justify such a monumental price tag.

That doesn't mean though that most colon cleansers and colon
cleansing programs are scams. There are numerous
colon-cleansing products in the market today that could give
you the relief that you need as well as give your colon a new
lease in life.

For you to be able to find the right colon cleansing product or
program for you, you need to be educated on it. You have to be
prepared when purchasing and actually using the product.

There are only a few types of products that are available that
can be used to clean the colon, and these include:

- Colonic hydrotherapy (colonic irrigation) – These are
normally carried out at a spa or a clinic by trained staff. A
small tube is inserted into the colon and a fluid solution is
used to flush away and waste matter that is lodged inside.
This technique may be more expensive than others but it does do
a good job in cleaning the colon. It is a pretty safe procedure
and one that can be repeated periodically.

- Enemas – Enemas in one shape or another have been around for
thousands of years; in fact it is well documented that the
ancient Egyptians used enemas routinely for various health
reasons. This treatment also requires a thin pipe to be
inserted into the rectum, and liquid, under low pressure, is
allowed to enter the body.

This helps flush out waste from the colon and stimulate bowel

However, an enema is usually unable to reach the top of the
colon, and so may only "treat" in and around the rectum area.

Home enema kits are available and can be an alternative to
going to a clinic or a spa for the treatment. They should come
with full instructions to make it easy to carry out alone.

Laxatives – There are various types of over the counter, herbal
or prescription laxatives and they aim do one or a number of the
following things.

* Increase the bulk of the stool
* Soften the stool
* Increase the amount of lubrication in the bowels so the stool
can be passed easier
* Hydrate the stool, so that it is easier to pass
* Stimulate the mobility of the bowels/ colon, making the
muscle movements stronger.

Herbal preparations – There have been an increase in the number
of herbal preparations available on the market, and especially
over the Internet. Generally, these type of colon cleansers
contain natural ingredients that have a similar effect to
laxatives, but are designed to "scrape" any lodged waste matter
from the lining of the colon.

I would recommend that before you take any colon cleansing
herbal preparation, make sure that you speak with your doctor
and that you have some proof that the preparation works from a
reputable source.

Additional colon cleanse info can be obtained from our website,
which offers a free newsletter to show people how to naturally
clean their colon.

About The Author: Sign up for Maggie Simmons' free Colon
Cleanse newsletter - Overflowing with easy to implement methods
to help you discover more about colon cleanse info at

Please use the HTML version of this article at:

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Colon Cleansing Herb: Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is a common colon cleansing herb. It is also known as Capsium frutescens. It is often used together with other herbs for body detoxification. Cayenne pepper is also a vital ingredient in the popular detox diet called the Master Cleanser or otherwise known as the lemonade diet. When you use cayenne pepper to colon cleanse, you can improve your digestive problems, cramping, bloating or blood circulation.

The biggest benefit of consuming cayenne pepper is that it moves the blood. The natural properties of the pepper improve the smooth flow of blood through your body. That happens because capsaicin, a key component of all peppers, naturally helps to keep your blood platelets from sticking together.

Blood circulation is a key component for the purposes of cleansing. Your body is incapable of processing all of the substances it takes in, so, many of the substances are passed through your body as waste material. Cayenne pepper speeds up the removal of toxins from your body for colon cleansing. If you have blocked or clogged arteries, they are caused by a buildup of things like mucus and toxins in your system. Cayenne pepper helps to flush these blockages away because it helps to break up mucus, clear arteries and increase the flow of your blood.

Since cayenne pepper blasts through blockages in your body, it is also key to helping other herbs and supplements do their jobs. The pepper clears the way for essential vitamins and nutrients from the foods that you eat, as well as herbs, to travel to the areas of your body that need the most help.

The stronger a pepper is, the more capsaicin it has. So, you should try to get pepper that has a high number of heat units. Usually heat units range from thirty thousand to ninety thousand. If you are new to using cayenne then you may want to start out with a milder version and slowly work your way up. Also, it's best to take the pepper in powder form, not capsules. The powder will react with saliva in your mouth and stimulate your stomach to digest better. It will also send signals to the rest of your body immediately and increase blood flow quickly.

Capsules have no taste, so they do not stimulate your system as quickly and you'll wind up not getting results that are as effective. The capsule will take several minutes to do anything and, when it does, it will release all the pepper at once and shock your system.

Naturopathic experts like to recommend using the cayenne pepper as a colon cleansing herb for all the reasons already mentioned, It is also said to aid in the regulation of heart rate. Even if you do not have any digestive disorders, you can still benefit from some cayenne pepper. The result of an improved blood circulation system in your body is boundless energy and total invigoration.

Sandra Kim Leong publishes free information on the benefits of colon cleansing and the importance of bowel health. Sign up to amazing tips and special reports here at http://www.Detox-Cleansing-Diet.com

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Discover How To Colon Cleanse Naturally - Part 1

Although not a popular topic of conversation at dinner parties,
colon cleansing has become an increasingly popular way of
detoxifying the body. So, this article covers how to colon
cleanse effectively.

The colon (or the large intestine) is the organ that gets rid
of the body's solid waste. It plays an important role in our
body's welfare because it rids our system of toxins, fecal
matter and waste, and is responsible for absorbing water and
important nutrients from the partly digested matter that is
passed from the stomach through the small intestines.

Therefore, a properly functioning colon is essential to the
healthy running of the body, and a key factor in ensuring the
immune system and other systems within the body do not become

A healthy colon is essential to good health. Environmental
factors, in the food we eat and the air we breath increase the
levels of toxins in our system, and these need to be eliminated
regularly otherwise there can be a build up within the body.

Normally, this is carried out mainly by the elimination of
waste through the colon and through the kidneys.

If toxins build up they can lead to numerous medical conditions
and concerns and in extreme cases potentially colon cancer.

Continue reading to discover how you can sign up for the free
Colon Cleanse newsletter and find out about natural methods to
clean the colon.

Colon health and colon problems are the most overlooked health
problems in our society. Some health experts have suggested
that 90% of all sickness and diseases is related to an unclean

Cleansing, also often referred to as detoxification, is our
body's normal process of elimination, a function that occurs
daily through our colon, liver, kidney, lungs, lymph system and

The most obvious forms of elimination are through sweat, urine
and bowel movements.

Despite the fact that we eliminate continuously, our bodies
sometimes have difficulty keeping up with the demand because we
are accumulating toxins everyday. This is especially true if
organs that are responsible for the elimination of toxins are
functioning below par.

A poorly functioning colon is one where fecal matter (waste
material) has built up on the walls of the colon, and over time
this matter becomes encrusted, which to block the passageways
and reduce the ability to absorb essential nutrients. This
blockage can also slow the elimination of waste and cause

It can also mean that the waste material can putrefy and leak
toxins into the blood stream, leading to complications.

One of the first believers that poor colon health was the cause
of many illnesses was Dr J.H. Kellogg, famous for creating
breakfast cereals. This is one of the reasons that he
developed cereals that contained bran fiber so that he could
help people restore the health of their gastrointestinal (GI)

Unfortunately, many of us do not drink enough water or eat
quality organic foods (foods that are naturally grown and not
raised using chemicals). We may also lack exercise and suffer
sleep problems, which leads us to stress and fatigue that can
exacerbate the problems in the colon.

To help the colon remove unnecessary waste material a natural
way, we must drink 8-10 glasses of water everyday. It helps our
body to eliminate toxins by urinating and helps lubricate and
soften the stool.

Eating or having a balanced diet is very important also. Eating
fresh fruits and more vegetables is a perfect way to start a
good diet. We need to exercise to maintain the balance in our
body. Diet alone can help, but exercise will stimulate the
muscles in the colon and help with digestion.

Colon cleansing is a must for everyone; everyone should
understand the importance of keeping the colon clear from build
up. We must take care of our body, and learn the simple daily
techniques that reveal how to colon cleanse and our bodies.

About The Author: Sign up for Maggie Simmons' free Colon
Cleanse newsletter - Overflowing with easy to implement methods
to help you discover more about how to colon cleanse at

Please use the HTML version of this article at:

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Herbal and Natural Remedies for Colon Problems

Finding natural solutions to maintaining colon health is obviously a
great approach. Introducing chemical-based prescription medications
into the body can have adverse affects. Many people believe that the
benefits of taking laxatives or over the counter enemas far outweighs
any harm they may experience as a result of the chemicals that
compromise these solutions. A much better and healthier approach is
to seek out a natural solution. Some effective herbal remedies for
colon health include:

Garlic. This has become something of a wonder herbal remedy in recent
years as more and more people are recognizing the positive benefits of
adding garlic to their diet. Garlic has been shown to help reduce the
chances of developing pre-cancerous polyps in the colon. It is also
believed that people who eat garlic on a regular basis or those who
take garlic supplements are less likely to develop colon cancer.

Green tea. Another herb that has become a focal point for those
looking for a natural alternative to traditional medicine. In terms
of colon health, green tea is believed to help reduce a person's risk
of developing cancer in their colon.

Grape seed extract. Recent studies have shown that consuming grape
seed extract can actually slow the progression of cancer cells in the
colon. For someone with a history of colon cancer in their family,
adding this natural substance to their daily diet can be worthwhile.

Turmeric. A fundamental ingredient in curry, this herb is proving to
be an ally in the fight against colon cancer. Taking a supplement
that contains turmeric can help to reduce the risk of polyps adhering
to the wall of the colon.

Ginger. Another spice that is an integral part of many dishes, this
substance has proven to be effective in continued health in the colon.
Adding ginger to the diet as a spice can help prevent the development
of cancer cells within the colon. Although it can be taken as a
supplement in capsule form, it's much better tasting and easier to
absorb when added as an ingredient during cooking.

One natural remedy for continued colon health is Vitamin D. In its
most natural form, Vitamin D is derived from direct sunlight. Many
people believe this is the best way for the body to absorb it. If
this is the approach that the individual takes, they should be aware
of the damaging effects of the sun on skin cells and therefore using a
sunscreen is recommended. Vitamin D can also be taken in the form of
a daily supplement. It is also found in many foods and is often added
to orange juice as well.

Calcium should also be taken in a supplement form in an effort to
improve colon health in general. Many people find it difficult to
drink milk products because of intolerance to lactose. If the person
has irritable bowel syndrome it becomes even more difficult to
comfortably eat or drink dairy products. In addition to being a
natural remedy for colon problems, calcium is also essential for
strong bones, which helps to prevent osteoporosis later in life.

Note: Statements in this article may not be approved by the FDA, and
should not be considered as professional medical advice.

© 2007, Kathy Burns-Millyard. Would you like to know more about
natural <A HREF="http://www.amoh.org/Colon-Health/">colon
cleansing</A>? Our free, in-depth special report explains much more
about how important colon cleansing is to your health, plus it
provides easy techniques for using foods, water, and specific herbal
supplements too. Visit http://www.amoh.org/Colon-Health/ to read the
report now!

Nutritional Approaches and Remedies for Colon Problems

Experts believe that anyone's colon can remain healthy and in perfect
functioning order with a few simple nutritional changes. A balanced
diet that is rich in certain foods is said to aid in the digestion and
elimination of food. Some good food choices that anyone can make to
ensure a healthy colon include:

A diet rich in fiber. The average adult doesn't get near the
recommended amount of fiber in their diet each day. Fiber aids in
digestion so it's important to consume the minimum recommended 25
grams of fiber per day.

A diet low in animal fat. Red meat is said to cause problems
associated with heart health. It is now being linked to colon
problems as well. Restricting or eliminating the intake of red meat
is highly advisable. Substituting the red meat with either chicken or
fish has a positive effect on the colon as well as many other body organs.
Fruits and vegetables. Specifically peppers, carrots and oranges have
been shown to help prevent colon cancer. They are also beneficial in
maintaining a healthy body weight which contributes to a healthy colon.

Limited saturated fats. In addition to eating less animal fat,
individuals concerned with the health of their colon should also
restrict how much saturated fat they are eating. Saturated fat can be
found in whole milk, butter and ice cream.

An adequate supply of calcium each day. In addition to helping
provide strong bones and teeth, calcium is crucial in keeping the
colon healthy. An average adult should consume at least a quart of
milk each day. In addition, cheese and yogurt are also excellent
sources of this mineral and should be an integral part of everyone's diet.

Many people believe strongly that in order to keep the colon clean and
healthy, organic foods should be consumed. With the availability of
organic foods in many corner grocery stores this ideal is becoming
easier to achieve. In addition, it's been suggested that eating whole
grains each day can have a beneficial effect on colon health as well.
Three servings of whole grains in the form of breads, cereals and
pastas should be consumed on a daily basis. This will also prove
helpful to individuals who are trying to control their weight in an
effort to stay healthier.

Eating out can be a challenge for someone trying to eat in a healthy
manner. It is primarily about choice and in almost every situation
there are healthy choices to be made. It is simply a matter of taking
the time to become informed about what foods are healthy and which are
filled with empty fats.

Drinking water in the amount of eight glasses a day should be a normal
part of every person's daily routine. Water helps in the digestion
process and it also aids in elimination. Although some people are apt
to add sugary drink mixes to the water, that isn't advisable because
of the empty calories. Instead, spring or mineral water should be
drank in place of other beverages including soda and coffee.

Note: Statements in this article may not be approved by the FDA, and
should not be considered as professional medical advice.

&copy; 2007, Kathy Burns-Millyard. Would you like to know more about
natural <A HREF="http://www.amoh.org/Colon-Health/">colon
cleansing</A>? Our free, in-depth special report explains much more
about how important colon cleansing is to your health, plus it
provides easy techniques for using foods, water, and specific herbal
supplements too. Visit http://www.amoh.org/Colon-Health/ to read the
report now!