Monday, October 29, 2007

Take Care Of Your Body From The Inside Out With Colon Cleansing

Many physicians today are promoting cleansing of the colon to promote good health due to the fact that if the colon is not working right, toxins must leave the body through other avenues. Doctors say that these detoxification methods cleanse every tissue and cell in the body. The problem with the build in the colon is that toxic matter in the colon can cause things like colon diseases, headaches, fatigue, muscle aches, lupus, and cardiovascular disease.

Another thing that ca be accomplished with this type of treatment is the removal of unwanted parasites that our bodies might be harboring. Parasites can come from insect bites, rare or undercooked meat, vegetables that have not been cleaned properly, and even through sexual activity. In fact, it's more common to pass on parasites than it is to pass on a venereal disease.

The body is designed for the bowels to move after every meal but in our western civilization, that is difficult to do so we have trained our bodies to once a day. This can cause the colon to become backed up, and serious problems can develop. A toxic colon can cause intolerance to certain foods and becomes a breeding ground for bacteria. Even if you do have regular bowel movements, the waste can pass through and still leave a residue on the walls of the colon. A dirty colon can cause the muscles of the colon wall to lose tone, and ballooning or pouches can form causing diverticulitis.

How do you go about cleaning out the colon? There are numerous ways, some that will accomplish the task quickly and some gradually. If you want fast results, there is colonic irrigation that is a very rapid and efficient method to wash away years of impacted feces and toxins.

You can also get good results by altering your diet and you will begin to see improvements within a short time after starting the process. You will see skin problems begin to disappear, chronic fatigue is alleviated, and the whites of the eyes regain their youthful clearness. This slower dietary method takes several weeks, with the patient starting out by eating raw food for as 50 percent of their diet. Water is always an important part of the cleansing process. People mistakenly believe they shouldn't drink a lot of water because they will retain fluids. The fact of the matter is, the body retains the fluids because it isn't getting enough fluid and goes into survival mode to keep what it can.

After going through a cleansing you will feel much lighter and more energetic. Your immune system will also be much healthier from getting rid of the toxins and bacteria.

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Florida. Find more about this and Natural Hemorrhoid Relief at

How To Eat For Colon Health

A Proper diet is important for us to maintain optimum health but many people do not realize just how important a healthy diet is for a healthy colon. When we eat right our colon will actually help us stay healthier and can even help to reduce high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Your colon is like a mini recycling center. It is able to absorb huge amounts of water which it uses in the recycling and waste removal process, it can actually absorb as much as eight times more water than the rest of the body does on a daily basis. While going through this process the colon separates waste from what is recycled which is water, electrolytes, and bile salts taken back into the body's system.

To make sure that our colons remain healthy a good diet along with proper sleep and regular exercise is essential. As part of a healthy diet eating a good amount of fiber is crucial to the proper function of the colon as well and contributes to overall health as well. There are also certain kinds of friendly bacteria such as acidophilus that are good for you and help the colon to work properly.

Some of the maladies that indicate poor colon health are the following: Constipation and hemorrhoids which are both caused by a lack of fiber in the diet and colitis which is caused by an inflammation of the inner lining of the colon. Colon cancer can be prevented with a proper diet as well and due to testing available today is also one of the most curable cancers as well. Smaller problems can also be caused by colon-related functions. Things such as bad breath, acne and spider veins can be caused by a malfunction in the colon, because the colon rids the body of waste, it also cleanses the body. Poor health overall is the result of poor detoxification.

Colonics are a popular approach used to cleanse the colon using chemicals, tubes, and water to push fluid through the colon and remove leftover waste. Many people abuse these processes and end up harming their colon due to the removal of necessary bacteria. Colonics can be helpful if used properly, but it is best to consult with your doctor before using any of these therapies. Often they are not needed, and the "toxins" that are supposedly building up in the colon and intestine are often natural residue from the body's natural processes. It is debatable whether or not the residue left in the colon really does affect the body in a negative way, although patients from colonics often report fresher skin, whiter eyes and a lighter sense of balance when the procedure is complete. The procedure can have some harmful side effects, however, and patients should be aware of these before undergoing treatment.

There are easier, healthier ways to clean the colon than this process. Changing your diet is one. A diet of fiber and raw foods helps clean the walls of the colon, and diuretics are helpful in producing excess waste and stools.

Care of the colon results in clear skin, healthy eyes and a good sense of balance.

Gregg Hall is a business consultant and author for many online and offline businesses and lives in Navarre Florida with his 16 year old son. For more on colon health supplements go to

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Spastic Colon And The Rumbling That Interrupts Your Life

Abdominal pain and cramping which is relieved after a bowel
movement may be related to a spastic colon.

This common stomach condition is often accompanied by a
headache, diarrhea, constipation, bloating and even water

Spastic colon occurs where there is an increase in the normal
and spontaneous contractions of the muscles found in the large
and small intestines. These spasms lead to varying severity of
symptoms in those who suffer with spastic colon.

For those who suffer with spastic colon it is often very
difficult to be away from home too much and you may begin to
alter your lifestyle in order to make sure you are constantly
near a bathroom just in case the symptoms of spastic colon hit

When the symptoms and pain of spastic colon begins to interfere
so much with life that you are altering your daily plans, it is
important to make the phone call and schedule a complete
physical with your health care provider so that you can get the
attention you so desperately need.

Spastic colon may also be known as irritable bowel syndrome,
and regardless of what you call it, there are many treatment
options available for you.

While there doesn't seem to be a perfect and hard fast
explanation for this stomach condition, there are some who
believe that it may be caused by the excess buildup of fecal
matter in the colon.

Healthcare providers typically recommend that regular bowel
movements become a part of regular daily life.

To begin with, spastic colon treatment general revolves around
lifestyle changes such as stress reduction, dietary changes, and
even anti-diarrheal medications.

Changing your diet may be a great place to start. For example,
taking in more bulk and fiber is critical to having more regular
and normalized bowel function.

Legumes or beans are a great addition to any diet. Beans such
as lima beans, black beans, and even peas are all great sources
of fiber.

It is also important to avoid foods which are high in fat such
as fast foods and make smarter and healthier food choices.

Fresh foods and vegetables such as salads, leafy green veggies,
whole fresh fruit, and even breads and pastas made to with whole
grain and whole wheat are all great alternatives to fast food.

Spastic colon does not have to control your life and you should
work aggressively with your physician to design the treatment
plan which works best for you, so that you feel as if you have
control over your spastic colon instead of the other way around.

About The Author: For more important information on stomach
pain be sure to visit where you will
find advice and tips on common stomach pain causes such as
irritable bowel syndrome, acid reflux, and other articles that
you can view at

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