Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Colonix Benefits To Improve Your Health

If you feel perpetually fatigued, the problem may be in your intestines. The food that we eat can leave toxic residue inside the body that is a breeding ground for disease causing parasites.

Colonix is a cleansing program that can flush away these potentially deadly substances. In this article, we'll examine the benefits of this bowel cleanse program and how it can improve your health.

Colonics is a body cleanse of the colon to improve intestinal tone, function and health by helping the body expel intestinal parasites. It promotes regular and complete bowel movements which removes toxic fecal buildup. This program consists of anti-parasite capsules, a fiber supplement containing both soluble and insoluble fiber, and gentle laxative detox teas.

If you are undergoing colonic cleansing, you should try to eat a diet of organic fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds. Try to avoid or minimize red meats, cured meats, organ meats, refined foods, canned foods, sugar, salt, saturated fats, coffee, alcohol, food additives, colorings and preservatives, and nicotine.

Unlike most fiber products, Colonix is easy to consume. It can easily be mixed into a smoothie, added to a juice diet or added into dishes, such as spaghetti sauce. It has a banana flavor and can be mixed with water. Feel free to try it in different recipes to make it more appetizing to you. Because each person is different, the amount of time it takes to see results varies.

Some people respond within a day, while it may take several weeks for others. You can tell it's working when you are having heavier and more frequent bowel movements. However, you should not experience the need to make emergency dashes to the bathroom!

If you're using the Colonix program for the first time, it's best to maintain the regimen for two months to get the maximum results. If you repeat the program every year, then one month will probably be sufficient after the initial period.

Upon completing the program you should see a marked improvement in your digestive system, relief from gas and bloating, clearer skin and better absorption of nutrients. One terrific side effect of the program is significant weight loss as excess waste material is cleansed from your system.

If you are on medication or taking other supplements, then Colonix professes not to interact with those products. A few side effects have been reported such as headaches, cramping, bloating and nausea, but should pass quickly. However, it's always wise to consult with a doctor before starting a detoxification program. Colonix has a proven reputation for being an effective and safe product and the results speak for themselves.

The body detox portal at http://bodydetox.niche-educator.com/ owned by Mike Selvon contains more great tips on the colonix program. Why not visit us and leave a comment at our natural medicine blog at http://www.mynicheportal.com/health-beauty