Sunday, December 16, 2007

Colon Cancer: Risks and Prevention

Copyright (c) 2007 Abel Travers
Puristat Colon Cleansing

Cancer: it's not a word that anyone really wants to hear. While
not necessarily a death sentence, cancer is an illness that does
have a high mortality rate depending on where in the body it

Colon cancer - the third most common cancer - results in the
second highest number of cancer deaths. While that fact can be a
bit intimidating, as can the realization that for many people
colon cancer has no symptoms until it is in its advanced stages,
it's important to take a step back and recognize that there are
a number of things that you can do in order to lower your risk of
developing the disease.

Long before someone develops full blown colon cancer and notices
symptoms like unexplained weight loss, anemia, generalized
weakness and changes in bowel habits, there are screening
procedures that can be performed by a doctor to check for signs
of developing colon cancer as well as pre-cancerous polyps in the
colon. Screenings are important - in fact, they are essential for
detecting, diagnosing and monitoring colon cancer.

Ideally, if you were to develop colon cancer, and it would be
caught before the tumor grew through the intestinal wall or soon
after it had begun to do so, the treatment will often be
successful, since this cancer is easy to treat if it is
discovered in its early stages. Once the cells have invaded the
lymphatic system or metastasized into other areas of the body,
the chances of recovery begin to diminish significantly.

To ensure early detection - in addition to screenings - it's
important to understand the risks and behaviors that can
contribute to the disease (and to know what you can do to reduce
your risk). Each of the following can contribute to your risk of
developing colon cancer:

1. Age: as you get older, the risk of developing colon cancer

2. History of cancer: if you have had other cancers, your risk
increases; similarly, if you have a family history of colon
cancer, your risk increases;

3. A history of other colon problems including Crohn's disease;

4. Diet: many people don't eat foods that are particularly
healthy - or don't eat enough of the foods that are not only
healthy for them but are also beneficial to the digestive tract;

5. Smoking and alcohol: there's been a great deal of focus on
what smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol can do to harm
the body, but it's also important to note that the toxins from
both also affect the colon.

6. Lack of physical activity: exercise not improves an overall
sense of well-being but also helps the body to work more

When you know what can contribute to the risk of developing colon
cancer, you'll find that there are more things that you can do
in order to reduce your risk. While you cannot turn back the
clock or change your family's genetic history, you can make a
commitment to getting more exercise and to changing your diet so
that you're taking in more fruits, vegetables and whole grains
that are high in fiber and by reducing the amount of protein that
you're taking in.

Likewise, when you are more aware of things that can be toxic
within the body - whether in your case it is eating overly
processed foods, smoking or drinking - it becomes easier to make
changes to limit the intake of them. For those who have trouble
making the change, however, there is another option: colon

Using a colon cleanser to rid the body of toxins, it can break
down the unhealthy foods that the body does not easily process,
and it can help to reduce demands on other organs in the body as
well. When the colon and large intestine are working properly,
there is less strain on the liver; when there are fewer demands
on the liver the kidneys are better able to function and perform
their essential tasks.

Colon cleansing, therefore, is not just about ensuring that your
body is properly eliminating waste; it's also about ensuring
that your body is able to function properly and with less strain.
By taking these steps - and by taking steps to increase your
physical activity and care for your body - you're likely to find
that you are in better health overall.

Not all colon cancers are preventable and it's important to
recognize that. However, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't
do what you can to reduce your risk of developing the disease.
Care for your body, ensure that you're eliminating toxins and
take the time to have screenings for colon cancer and you'll
find that you increase your quality and longevity of life.

Abel Travers writes about healthy living. How's Your
Colon's Health - Take the Healthy Colon Test(r) at:

Good Colon Health is a catalyst for living a long and
healthy life; it will help you feel better and to lose
weight. To learn more about Colon Cleansing, please visit: