Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Colon Cleansing With Enemas And Colonics

When fecal material in our colon is allowed to sit, it can begin to decay. This decaying creates harmful toxins and gases that can become re-absorbed into our blood stream. This can reek havoc on both our physical and mental health. Some of the resulting havoc can be minor, for example acne. More serious conditions such as depression, cancer or autoimmune disorders can also be a result.

When our bowels contain old waste, our bodies are unable to absorb the nutrients and vitamins that we need. Our lymphatic systems become clogged and toxics are released back into our blood stream. The liver is unable to work at it's full capacity. Everything gets sluggish and slows down. Cleaning the colon, removes the material that that is responsible for the congestion and helps to clear out the toxins.

A simple colon cleansing benefits the entire body and makes it much more efficient. A colon cleansing can also help to get rid of an overabundance of yeast, help one lose weight and even results in an energy boost. There are various ways to cleanse the colon. Below, we will talk specifically about the use of enemas and colonics for this purpose.

Some people are convinced that enemas are the very best way to remove old waste from our large intestines. Enemas are have several important advantages. Most notably, they can be taken in the comfort and privacy of one's own home. They are also very inexpensive. Enemas work very quickly. It can get rid of old, fecal matter that has built up in the colon.

Colonics are performed outside of the home in some sort of clinic. They must be performed by a professional. Colonics are also much more expensive then an enema.

Both colonics and enemas essentially do the same thing. Both are designed to get rid of old waste and to relieve constipation. Enemas just allow this to be done in the privacy of one's home. They are also more cost effective. Individuals who use enemas can either take them orally or can use the more traditional method of anal insertion.

Colonics, on the other hand, must be done by a professional. An alternative health professional will typically perform a colonic in a clinic. When choosing a professional to perform the procedure be sure that the clinic is clean and that the doctor is experienced. Using an unexperienced health professional or dirty equipment, can lead to serious problems.

Colonics and enemas are good tools to get rid of old waste and toxins that have built up in our colons. However, their use should be governed with caution and good old common sense. Having too many enemas and colonics can be very dangerous and should be avoided. Long term and aggressive colon cleansing should be avoided at all costs.

For more information on the health benefits of doing a colon cleanse please visit: http://www.coloncleansers.net

* Please always check with your doctor before starting any medical program or exercise program. *